For our research about safety in the work places, we had two interviews with two safety engineers. One of them was from RKCC and the other from the ADMA Company

During our visit to RKCC

In Interview with Eng. Salman

During our visit to RKCC
We are atudents from HCT. After college life we will face the real life and we will work as Mechnical Engineers (Inshaallah) So, we have to know and reialise that there are some risks and dangers in the field that we chose to be in as a career. Understanding the risk will minimize the danger.
The Research
There is not that big a differences between the two factories. The top 5 dangerous places in the work place in our opinion and other types of factories. The confined space, working at hieght, electric shock, excavation and the mechanical parts are common in all the work places.
Our Group visitedRKCC and intervied En. SivaKumar
Interview with ZADCO safety engineer Mr. Salman Al-Mazroie
Meeting with the group members to arrange and sort the sources and the information that we had
Our visits

During our research we visited two cement companies in Ras Al-Khaimah. The first Company which was Ittehad Cement Company. The manager told us that the Safety Engineer was on rest and he will come after 2 weeks. It was strange because who will be in charge to take care of the Safety in the company?