How Do The Management Reduce Dangers

It's Your Life
The managements in ADNOC GROUP Companies give the right for any person to stop any job in case he feels there is a chance of risk or some accident could happened. If the laborer found that he is tired he can stop the job and he will be rewarded if he found near him an incident that could happened.

The Permit System
The Health, Safety and environment department make the permit system in each company.. Following the permit system will ensure that no shortcuts will happen during the job. The Permit system also has the TRA (Task Risk Assessment) which is part of the Permit which means to identify the hazards in each job to take precautions to eliminate any risk.

The Safety Week
In RKCC (Ras Al-Khaimah Cement Company) the engineer told us there is a safety week where they reward the workers who do not have any accident. There is also an employee of the month and is rewarded with an amount of money.
In ZADCO also they reward the employees who inform the safety department about any unsafe action. They also give safety courses to all the employees like courses about the toxic gas in the oil field which is called hydrogen sulfide.
In every company, there is a safety department called “Health, Safety and Environment". The responsibility of this department is to make sure that all employees are following the safety rules to save the life of the people and the reputation of the company. In ZADCO, the safety department makes daily checks on random permits in the field. The permits with high risks have the priority to be site visited in the work location.