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During our research in RKCC

During the interview with the Safety Engineer in Ras Al-Khaimah Cement Company the talking about  safety was very interesting. However, when we went around the workshops and inside the Factory the safety precautions were missing in certain areas.  Omran Al-Shemili will talk about the negatives that we found there.

From our visit to the factory and the interview we did with safety specialist. We saw some negatives in it. The safety sign are written in two languages Arabic and English, I agree that since we are in Arabic country the signs should be written in Arabic that common sense and the English language is a worldwide language but you may what is wrong? Why the safety signs are problem? Let me tell that most of worker there are from Asian country like India , Bangladesh and so on most of these are not educated so it is problem for them to read the safety signs which are in Arabic and English so I suggest adding to the safety signs common language which are known in their country like the Hindi language although it originate in India the people from that region can understand and read it so it will be very helpful for worker especially the new ones since the experienced one have experience how to handle the situation . In the factory during our tour they did not have any safety equipment like helmet and gloves and we needed that because there are hazards in the factory places like the workshop and the machines has many hazards which mean anything that has the potential to cause harm to a person like Chemical hazards, Slips, trips and falls, infectious diseases and Exposure to hazardous substances. I also notice from the interview That equipment in the factory also old and cannot function very well like the first aid and fire extinguisher.
By Omran Al-Shemili
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